Bayou Student Weekend

March 21-23

Bayou Student Weekend (BSW) is an exciting discipleship experience for students in grades 7–12. Over the course of a weekend, students gather for powerful worship sessions, engaging Bible teaching, small group discussions, and meaningful time with peers and leaders. BSW is designed to help students deepen their faith, grow in community, and discover what it means to live for Christ in their everyday lives.
Students stay in host homes provided by church families, creating an environment that fosters lasting friendships and spiritual growth. Activities include dynamic worship, games, and moments of intentional discipleship with church leaders. BSW is more than an event—it’s a weekend that equips students to take their next steps in their journey with Christ. 

Youth Camp

March 21-23

At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed. Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of a trained FUGE Camps staff, who also leads the Bible study. Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make application in their lives. Students also participate in Track Times. Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar, or try something new! Students are divided into “tracks” based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. FUGE offers creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE Camps staff.
Location: Camp Tanglewood, Lawrence MS Cost: $459 (Do not let cost be a factor, we will help your child get there!)

Growing together.

It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, you are welcome here.

The student ministry of MBC is an extremely vibrant and active group.  With the help of a large group of caring adult leaders, we are deliberate in our approach to discipling the 7th – 12th grade students of our community.  From Wednesday youth nights to Sunday morning Bible study, from camps and retreats to occasional hangout times, every gathering is an opportunity for our mentors to pour into the next generation of community and church leaders.

Youth Camp 2024

Revival Generation!

Wednesday Night Youth

Get Connected.

All 7-12 grade students are welcome to join us each Wednesday night @ 6:00PM. The evening starts with high energy games and is followed by a time of worship, teaching, and small groups. 

Student Bible Study - 9:15am-10:15am

All 7th - 12th grade students are welcome to join us each Sunday morning as we dig deep into God's Word!

Worship Service 10:30am

People of all ages are invited to gather together as a church to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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